Thursday, August 30, 2007
No More Blue Comp~!
Jie Ping was late too so the both of us were practically running here and there trying to set up Floor.. I realised I love tearing tickets at GV Max.. Haha.. And I love clearing GV Max too.. Gives me a very grand feeling.. Nth much today though.. Have to wear the Ratatouille Chef Hat today but it was more comfortable today.. Wen An started a rumour today again.. Haha.. And it involves me.. *Faint* Going LTL still like that.. Aiyo.. Haha..
Back to TM for 881.. Dinner at Sakae Sushi first.. Only saw a few recognisable ppl- Aunty Lily, Nur, Isk, Yile/Yijia, Faris.. Movie was good except for that over usage of Hokkien and I laugh whenever I hear ppl speaking Hokkien cos it sounds funny.. My grandma and sister cried but wonder why I didn't.. It was sad yeah but dunno.. My grandma called me cold blooded girl.. Haha.. Maybe cos the toilet rush was getting to me..
Floor again tml.. I'm starting to like it.. Really.. It's quite fun when you get to know it better.. It's a pity I only realised it now.. Haiz.. Getting tired now.. Good Night Moo- Putts~! Corinne May's songs are nice too.. Love her album: Beautiful Seed..
(Just call my name, let me be an answer)
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
I Beg to Differ..
1) Opened the glass door and 2 out of 3 doors decide to throw tandrums and refuse to budge.. Walkie manager, Colleen came out and she managed to coax 1 of the doors to open.. -.-' While I had to use force to move the other..
2) Had to wear the Ratatouille Chef Hat for the whole day.. I looked like a clown.. Every single patron was looking at us like some animal in a zoo cage.. -.-' Here's my hat.. Looks like an enlarged shower cap..
3) Customer Complain.. He was watching The Simpsons and was angry that we didn't stop kids in the cinema from laughing really loudly.. Then when asked why he didn't walk out to tell us about it, he replied, "Cos I don't want to miss a single minute of the movie".. Well, fair enuff.. But I beg to differ.. Becos we did do our cinema check and when asked why he didn't tell us about the disturbance then when he saw us in the cinema, he replied, "Cos I scared then when I raise my hand I will disturb other patrons".. Ok fine.. Whatever.. So what you expect me to do now? How do you expect us to stop people from laughing in a comedy? ZzZzZ.. Whatever lah..
Well, that's about it.. Another day at Floor tml again.. Haha.. Going to watch 881 with Grandma and Sis tml after work.. And I just realised that Hairspray is freelisted from tml onwards.. ZzZzZ.. Wasted my $7.. Told WL (Anti- HSM & Zac Efron) about it and he replied, "What is $7 to Yan Wan?" Haha.. I beg to differ ok? Yan Wan is not rich.. She just likes to spends her own money and sometimes too fast and over excessively.. Haha.. Speaking of money, payday's here.. =D =D =D =D =D =D
Had a chat with Juliana who needs help with her Macro Econs.. Sorry girl, I returned all my Econs knowledge to my teacher liaoz.. Haha.. I probably should drag Sandy to help her.. And was arranging with Zhi Jun to go KBOX this Sat but Jul and Cec cannot so she proposed Thur but I'm already going on Wed and she replied, "You should just go work at KBOX since you go there every week".. I beg to differ again ok? Haha.. Me dun K like crazy ok? And she promised to book rooms from me to support me during SIP.. Like real k? Haha..
Okie.. Going to sleep now.. Very tired.. Good Night Moo- Putts~! Totally Random- Amanda Bynes has a nice voice.. I love "You Can't Stop The Beat" from Hairspray! Anybody has the OST?
(You cannot stop the rhythm of two hearts in love to stay Cause you cant stop the beat!)
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Ms Goh called and asked for the Chongqin Steamboat's number.. Later learnt that they were bringing the China Trainees for dinner there.. I'm suddenly craving for it again.. Haha.. It's like my weekly addiction.. =D Had a wonderful chat with Xiaomei today.. It's been a long time..
Boo Hoo Hoo.. I'm working Floor tml.. All thanks to that evil Ah Ma who has completed Why Why Love.. *Envy* Haha.. Ya.. Most ppl would prob be jumping for joy at the mention of working at Floor.. BUT.. I haven't been at Floor for a very long time already.. I don't know how they check cinemas and their routines too.. Oh God.. Help me.. Haha.. Well, this is what happens when you have enuff staff to play around.. I think I'm in deep shit too.. I have 3 Comp Passes expiring end of Aug and I have yet to use them.. =p
Watched the last episode of The Peak just now having missed it.. I wanna watch Honour and Passion again.. Haha.. There's nth nice on TV nowadays.. Unless you call Ruan Mian Mian acting ugly at 7pm and Joanne Peh acting tomboyish at 9pm addictive..
29 Aug- Work/ Guitar
30 Aug- Work/ Payday
31 Aug- Work/ CC Session
1 Sept- Ratatouille with Sisters
2 Sept- Work
3 Sept- Free
4 Sept- Work/ LD
5 Sept- 307 Outing
6 Sept- Free
7 Sept- Free
8 Sept- Free
9 Sept- HSM 2
10 Sept- Welcome to Meritus Mandarin!
*Ask me out on the "Free" days if not I'll prob wun be able to meet any of you after 10 Sept.. =( Good Night Moo- Putts~!
(我一字不提就是对你死心, 你还是没学会怎样爱我)
Went to Town with Parinee, Sandy, Xianglin, Xuemin, Winnie and Pamela after the exam.. Read XL's story on the bus.. So romantic and touching.. Pls write Part 2! Decided to catch Hairspray at Cineleisure.. I was totally on for it now that my Zac Efron fever is on.. Bought tix for the 745pm show and went for dinner at Pasta Mania first.. Went shopping a while.. Met JW who needed company for dinner and then got teased by those crazy girls.. Haha..
Saw these outside Heeren.. Totally made my day.. =D
Hairspray is a happy show.. It made me feel like dancing esp at the last part.. But nobody does that in a Singapore Cinema.. Haha.. Zac Efron really has wonderfully beautiful eyes.. And that host in the show too.. He has that charisma.. Ooh.. Eye Candy.. The songs were nice too and John Travolta being the mum was absolutely comedic.. Home after that.. I told the girls I was an introvert and they disagreed.. Haha.. Maybe I have some hidden self..
Watched Hey Gorgeous! just now.. Those with the highest votes online are not cute, shuai or pretty at all.. Mostly is those picked on the spot.. Haha.. The Mr NP winner is cute not to mention talented.. =p The groupmates and I were talking about the whole show while MSN-ing each other.. Haha.. Miss our "Time Spent Together" very much.. I'm addicted to 芮恩's songs.. They are just absolutely wonderful.. Really.. The news said there were supposed to be 2 moons at 1230am today but I only saw 1.. =(
I'm in a jolly mood now..
1) Exams are over
2) Payday- 30 Aug
3) 芮恩's Music
4) Groupmates who don't say Bye right after projects are done
5) High School Musical 2 OST
Going back to TP tml to make use of the computers.. Need to burn some stuff and my CD Drive has decided to crash on me.. Yup.. Haha.. Maybe going for solo movie watching tml.. Dunno.. Bored.. Haha.. Okie.. It's getting late.. Bye Bye Moo- Putts~!
Monday, August 27, 2007
Well, went to Ikea for lunch today.. Was crazy enuff to order 30 meatballs for me and my sisters to share but we are sure pro-meatball eaters.. Only 2 meatballs were left.. Haha.. And they still had a craving for that $1 hotdog.. I was stuffed.. Headed to Giant for some grocery shopping and ended up buying lots of snacks and drinks.. Hadn't grocery shop in the longest time.. Picked my mum up from the airport and headed home for some afternoon nap.. Read a book instead..
We were waiting for my dad to pay.. So Yeah..The Sisters~!
Dinner at the CC near my house.. Only started my Dest Revision at 7pm.. Haha.. Right now, I do hope that my "Kerbua" skills work tml.. I gonna need it.. Badly.. Last paper tml- 430pm and it would be the last exam I would ever be sitting for in TP.. (Hopefully) Haha.. 4 Plans tml after exam.. Plan A- Out with the Orangs.. Plan B- Out with 307.. Plan C- Meet Zhi Jun.. Plan D- Go catch my movies.. Hmm..
Watched a mildly old Ch 8 Drama just now- Beyond the Axis of Truth II.. It was so addictive.. Something about cloning during those 2 episodes.. The main leads for the episodes were Qi Yu Wu & Rui En.. I swear they are one of the most matching reel couples I've ever seen in my years of watching TV.. Haha.. Mental Note to watch this drama next Sunday again.. So I decided to go listen to some Rui En songs after that.. She Sings?! Some of you might be asking.. Yes! And she does a damn good job at it too.. Too bad she only has one album.. But the songs are all super! Loving "爱情副作用" right at this moment..Okie.. Should stop here bahz.. Want to try to wake up by 9am to study for that paper.. And Sin Hwee sent me a super sweet msg just now.. Yes Girl, you are one of my 最疼姐妹 too~! I want to go swimming.. =p

Saturday, August 25, 2007
And I have no idea why the conversation suddenly turned to me.. All I can say:
1) Sarah, take him back!
2) Wei Lun, go clean your mind!
3) Beilin, go watch your HSM!
Haha.. These people want to be my bridesmaids next time.. Okie.. I'm going to be a "good" student and bury myself in those empty lecture notes and hope that my "Kerbua" skills work on Monday to help me pass the paper.. Good Night Moo- Putts!
(Another colour turns to grey and it's just too hard to watch it all slowly fade away)
OB Paper~!
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Youtube Works!
Went to airport yesterday to study with the Orangs.. Firstly, it was at Coffeebean.. Everybody was late except for Sandy, Jolyn and I.. Ordered a Pure Chocolate Ice Blended.. Moved over to Popeyes after that cos Coffeebean was too tiny.. The mashed potato, cajun fries and biscuit is just heavenly.. Didnt managed to see any familiar staff though.. Just for info, I used to work for the company that manages quite a number of eateries in the airpot including Popeyes, Changi Kopitiam, Sundanese and Chen Fu Ji.. Studied till 530pm and left for home to get my guitar and went for lesson.. It's my last lesson next week.. Sadded.. =(
Well, today was pretty much an "OB" Day.. Never went thru the textbook so many times before.. But nth's in so pray hard for me ppl.. It's another 7-9pm paper all over again.. TP loves us doesn't it? Okie.. Good Night Moo- Putts~!
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
You Are The Music In Me~!
I'm currently suffering from cooped-up-at-home fever.. Haha.. Let's see.. I've been home since Sunday and totally bored.. Trying to force myself to study is pointless because I can't concentrate.. Haha.. But I have no idea why I still managed to do.. Basically, I'm in a jolly mood today becos of 3 things!
Firstly, B+ for Dest.. Really didnt expect it due to the info-less individual issues presentation and the interview questions that I had trouble answering.. Thanks to the wondeful groupmates who helped me pull thru it with the wondeful project! =D
Secondly, my grandma suggested lunch at Pepper Lunch today and therefore, I was able to step out of my habitat.. =p Even though we went home st8 after that but it was enuff to ease me of my utter boredom-ness..
Thirdly, Beilin will know why I'm in such a jolly mood now.. Hehe.. Cos I can bet she is too! Thanks so much! ;-D
Okie.. I'm gonna stop here and try to study Dest.. Going to meet the Orangs for study at the airport.. Following that, I'll have to rush for my guitar..
(You are the Music in Me)
(Once in a lifetime means there’s no second chance so I believe that you and me should grab it while we can)
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
OB Lec~!
Going to pose some pics from the BE Presentation 2, Project PH & Cheesecake Saturday since Beilin has just uploaded the pics on her blog..

We just gave up on rehearsing and carried on with our crazy entics!

Look at Cherie's expression after drinking the no-sugar-added coffee I brewed!

That's us!

Yeah, we're all nervous!
You can find our presentation videos here:
Cheesecake Saturday

Wei Lun was eating cup noodles 1st thing in the morning.. The smell was enticing..Cherie's friend was trying to hide from the camera but still got caught!
Chiong ah! On to war with the Chef's Knife!
Sarah looks like some innocent kid here being caught in the act for eating the cake!
Eat Eat Eat!
Project PH

Nobody's Perfect
Nobody's perfect!
I gotta work it!
Again and again til I get it right.
Nobody's perfect!
You live and you learn it!
And if I mess it up sometimes,
Nobody's perfect!
Hehe.. 2 songs that I really love now.. Tee Hee.. Good Night Moo- Putts~!
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Themesong: 终极陷阱- 5566 (The lyrics were partially written by 许孟哲)

Good Night Moo-Putts~!