Friday, June 25, 2010

What Happened in 3 Months.

Hello all!

Wow, this is getting bad. No updates for almost 3 months. I shall try to improve. Haha. But there were lots of interesting stuff happening these few months. Here we gooooooo.

On the 3 April, I met Cherie and Beilin for dinner and movie, When In Rome at Vivocity. Dunno why the rest of the group couldn't attend.

The next day, it was brunch at Dempsey Hill with Colleen, Yong Xing, Amber and Averlyn. I think we originally wanted to go to Bishan Park but it was raining. Oh, and that little baby has sure grown. Hahaha.

And finally, the most exciting part of April- A holiday to Japan with Wayne & Bernice! It was so much fun! Won't go into much details here but you can see more pictures on my Facebook. =)

On the 23 April, we went to Crytal Jade to celebrate Paulina's 22nd Birthday.

Pei Ting came to Singapore for a short business trip and we met on 1 May. Decided to go see the new Marina Bay Sands. It was crowded, hot and not very ready when we went. Hmm, I would rather go RWS.

Edmund held his wedding on 3 May at a restaurant in Clarke Quay. Congratulations!

And on 4th May, we celebrated Sarah's belated birthday at Timbre@Substation. We got the seats right in front of the band and boy was it awkward. I'd much prefer a seat at the back without having to engage with the band.

On 8th April, HIGH visited the Science Centre for the much anticipated Pixar Exhibition. It was fantastic and out of this world! Totally mind blowing!

My grandma's Japanese friend came to visit and we put him up at the Hard Rock Hotel in Sentosa. The hotel itself had a rockish vibe with a similarly cool room and a great great pool!

Brunch at Red Star with 306 to celebrate Wei Lun's birthday followed by an outing to the Botanic Gardens for phototaking. It was a hot hot day.

A trip to Alaska and Canada to end of May 2010.

HIGH went for some outdoorzy activity at East Coast Park on 12 June. Our colour combination that day was coool.

Paulina organised a BBQ session at Andrew's on 19 June. It was a hell lot of fun. And we all got one of Andrew's friends totally drunk. LOL.

Alright, that basically sums everything up. I hope to do more entries soon. But I do need to find a job too. Oh, and I'm turning 22 in less than a month's time. Booooooo. =(