Monday, January 7, 2008

Move house..

I moved house today.. From B2 to Lvl 5.. The new home is really dotz.. By the way, home means locker.. Haha.. The guys and girls are sharing a COMMON locker room now which used to be a Japanese Restaurant.. Meaning, no stripping and changing on the spot.. Equals to trouble since we've only 4 cubicles in each toilet.. Luckily, mine is located in a private room where there are only girls.. Hopefully..

A guest left a bottle of Caviar in his room yesterday.. The housekeeping staff said they threw it away and wanted to know the brand to replace it.. IMO, it was right of them to throw the caviar.. Why? Because, caviar is raw seafood.. If it was kept and goes bad and the guest ends up with a tummyache, it would be disastrous.. Even though it's abit heart breaking.. 110g of Caviar costs $224.. I'll prob kill myself for not remembering to take the caviar out of the fridge before checking out.. Here's a pic of the delicate thing.. You've probably seen them on top of Siew Mai and Sushi before..

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