Thursday, May 24, 2007

Company Situation..

Sorry to scare some people over my last post.. I'm still a little down now but I guess I'll make it through.. The somebody who shattered my dreams in one day has now given me hope again until Monday.. Hope everything turns out right..

Situation of the day: You go for an interview on Monday with Company A.. They accept you but you do not want to decide immediately because you are still waiting for an interview with Company B on Friday.. Company A then gives you until Thursday to decide whether you want to join them or not.. Company B is more of your dream company than A.. What would you do?

But Yan Wan's a happy girl today.. She passed Stage 1 for her driving lessons which means she can basically drive.. On the way to school, the somebody called her and gave her hope again but in a situation way.. Then she reads her email and realises that Company V had replied her email and is finding time to schedule an interview with her.. She goes for tutorial classes and has the teacher calling her Wan Yan now.. After her class, Company H called her and told her that their company director wants to have an interview with her on Tuesday.. Went to library with her proj grp to come up with biz idea and they did it after 1 hr.. Left for home and she called up Company M and they told her that they will call her tml.. However, Company S has yet to give her a reply and she has to wait for the somebody to reply her on Monday.. She went for her guitar lesson and is glad that she can play My Heart Will Go On.. her teacher taught her CHORDS today and told her to go home and do homework.. Practice 2 new songs- Polka and Zombie.. She bought a hamster exercise ball and a new food bowl for her Kimtaro who's growing fatter each day.. Her sister taught her how to play Eyes On Me on the guitar and how to read tabs from the internet.. Her mum baked cookies.. Completed DestP&D report and she can hardly imagined that she's the one compiling it.. But it looked good.. And she has printed all her lecture notes for the next few weeks.. Now she's sleepy.. So Good Night everyone..

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