Tuesday, June 3, 2008

China May 2008 Day 4

Hello all! This is Day 4 in China!

Day 4- 26 May 2008

My father and Uncle KC had to go for their conference so it was just me and my sister left alone.. We signed up for this One Day Local Tour around Nanjing.. At first I thought it was just me and my sister and another guy however we soon realise that we are actually joining a tour group from other parts of China..

First stop was some place to see Zhu Yuan Zhang's memorial.. Nothing much to do there.. Just listen to some explanation on the history of how he succeeded the throne etc.

Something quite funny interesting happened on the tour bus.. It was a rather hot day and usually drivers still do not turn on the air con to save on petrol..

But one of this tour member was quite peeved about it and ordered the driver to turn on the air con.. The driver still refused and so the tour member called the travel agency to complain on the spot.. Again, the driver still refused.. So the tour member called and complain again.. And this went on all the way to our next stop which is some wall gate thing..

And me and my sister got put to sit right at the back of the bus together with the 2 angmohs on the right of the picture.. Reason: They're Singaporeans right? So should be able to speak English with them.. ZzZzZz..

Nothing much to do there again.. Haha.. Just climb the wall and listen to some history again.. Headed for lunch after that.. It was in some dark and pungent smelling restaurant.. We sat with one of the tour groups and my sister and I were so scared to start eating first.. But there was a rather nice uncle in the group who told us to eat together.. Haha..
After lunch, it was off to another location called "Yu Hua Tai".. They had a number of Yu Hua stones there.. It's said to be even harder than normal stones..

Then it was off to another attraction which I forgotten what it was called.. Some house of some general who used to serve Zhu Yuan Zhang..

The second last stop of the day was a temple that was said to be quite sacred.. Not many shots as cameras were not allowed.. The tour guide mentioned that there was a sacred event today where many monks have come to the temple for their once in 12 years praying session so we could get a divination and ask them to explain it to us..

Although I'm a free thinker, I was thinking, yeah why not? So I chose my divination and headed into the room to consult the monk.. He said I'll do well in my studies overseas but told me not to get entangled in any relationships until my career is settled if not my entire life would be ruined.. Oooh.. Haha.. Quite scary eh?

Ok.. Our last stop of the day was the Dr. Sun Yat Sen's Memorum.. We were allowed to climb up that flight of stairs to reach his memorial hall.. If you notice, you can see a number of Singaporean Primary School students in their uniforms.. Haha..

Went back to the hotel to meet up with my father and Uncle KC.. Took a cab to Hunan Road and ate dinner at a restaurant called 狮子头..

And this is the 狮子头.. Haha.. It's actually soup with a chicken and fish ball in the middle.. Very very oily but not bad.. My sister had a bad headache after that so we headed back to the hotel for rest..

And this is Day 4.. Stay tuned for more!

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