Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Heartfelt Apologies..

Yes.. I'm so sorry to Cherie and Wei Lun for making you for wait so aimlessly for that 1 hour.. I cannot express my most heartfelt apologies more than this anymore.. It was just dumb of us to enter that office in that 1st place.. And to not tell the person that we had an appointment.. It's just this stupid timid character of mine that really drives people and myself mad at times..

I don't dare to rebutt people and that's why I'm so two-faced at times.. I will just agree to anybody and don't have thoughts of my own.. That's why I entered that office and don't dare to tell the person and don't even dare to answer the phonecalls.. But believe me, I really meant no harm to anybody.. Sometimes I really hate this Type A personality of mine.. Really..

Going bonkers soon.. All in all.. It was a bummer day gone absolutely nightmarish wrong because of a stupid move.. I'm going to numb myself with school work for now..

I can't wait to go..

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