Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Dead Laptop..

Nothing is more bummer than a dead laptop.. Boo again.. It had to be reformatted.. But luckily I had a chance to save all my stuff before it gets lost in cyberspace eternally..

Well, I've started work in FO.. The cheongsame fits, the shoes are too small and the lipstick is so horrifying.. Haha.. I think it takes time to get used to it.. I've got a wondeful and pro trainer who really gives me lots of chances for all the mistakes I do.. The accounts department irritated the hell out of me today.. Grr.. Wasted 2 hrs..

Super stressed trying to squeeze in all the product knowledge.. Last time in Reservations, it was just a manual away.. BTW, seeing all the Reservations staff names in my OPERA screen brings back super nice memories.. Haha.. And I swear the Grand Tower Premier Rooms are mega-liciously Oohlala.. I'm gonna take pics of it before leaving MM..

OFF tml.. My 1st OFF on a weekday ever since joining MM.. Haha.. Dunno good thing or bad thing.. Oh well.. Signing off..

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