Wednesday, June 3, 2009

New Moon Scene

Hello all!

The following entry is "New Moon" related and a very big spoiler so if you still wish to be surprised, close your browser immediately. =)

Some paparazzi managed to capture some shots from the scene in the film where Edward is about to expose himself with his sparkly glittery body to the world to get the Volturi to kill him when he thinks that Bella is dead.

I think Taylor Lautner's body is hotter. He's too fair. Hahaha.

Bella runs to Edward to stop him.

Wait for it.

She might not be the first girl to hug Robert Pattinson but she's definitely the first one paid to do so.

Awww. So sweet. =)

Now go in you big lug before somebody sees you!

Ok, the end! =)

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