Monday, July 21, 2008

I love hostel life!

Hello all!

Think I better blog before people start thinking that I've died in a foreign land and never coming back.. Haha.. Paiseh ah for not blogging.. The internet in my room has sort of died from whatever reason I really dunno.. Haha.. And the repairman has not came up to fix it yet.. Currently using the computer suite in the dining hall..

Anyway, let's update!

Friday- 18th July 2008

It was Orientation today! Woke up quite early cos I didn't want to clash with Jia when using the toilet.. Haha.. (Later on I realised she doesn't eat breakfast so she usually wakes up quite late) After my shower, I realised I locked myself out of my room.. Diaoz.. (My hostel room doors are auto lock)

So in my business wear, just out of the shower wet hair and bedroom slippers (just imagine how pathetic I looked), I walked all the way to the reception to get the spare keys.. And it was so cold that I could blow cold breath out of my mouth.. Haha.. And I only had a blazer on..

The morning started off with a boring talk by the education manager on rules, regulations etc. and some lecturer gave a 30 mins talk on plagarism as well.. Must be pretty serious.. Heard they have a system to run your report thru to check how much you've copied too..

The afternoon was pretty fun.. In Singapore, what do schools usually do to let the new students know each other? Play ice-breaking games.. Say it together with me: B-O-R-I-N-G! Yup.. Guess what did ICHM let us do? We went . . .

Bowling! Cool right?!

A lecturer got her car so she drove me, Aisyah, Paulina and Celine there.. Celine was a new friend we made that day.. She's from Vietnam! Man, my mother would be happy to know that.. Haha.. And the lady in red up there is my lecturer..

A very cool bowling alley that played really in and nice pop music while we were there.. But bowling in Aussie is exp.. About AUD$14 per game I think.. So we were quite lucky we got to bowl for free.. Haha..

And it was so so fun! The students got to bowl tgt with the lecturers and we even had sort of a competition of some sort.. Haha.. And they all started drinking beers at that time too.. It was just so casual..

Got back to campus and it was time for a mini- drinking session in the campus lobby.. Got to know a little more people there..

After that it was time to go back to the hostel to prepare to go to P J O'Briens! They organise these kind of outings at the start of each Sem for us to get to know more people.. Haha.. RIH organised a bus for us to get there and snacks and cover charge was free but drinks were not.. But we had a private area upstairs all to ourselves..

Knew somemore people there.. It was quite easy to know people from my school.. Just go up and say hi.. Everybody's real easy going.. And I made some new angmoh friends too! Haha.. But the pub's music was kinda awful though.. Dunno what kind they were playing.. Haha.. So hard to dance too.. Can you imagine Yan Wan went clubbing?! Haha.. Shared a jug of vodka cranberry with Aisyah, Paulina, Celine and Yohana.. The drinks are about the same price as Singapore's though.. Left the place at around 1030pm to catch the shuttle bus back.. Here are the pictures of the night!

Me, Aisyah & Paulina.. That pint of beer there costs $5 during Happy Hour.. Not that exp yet not that cheap..

Me, Aisyah, Paulina, Yohana & Celine.. I got damn red cos that was my second drink that night.. Haha..

A pic outside the pub.. It was real cold then..

The guy on the right is the bouncer.. He checked my ID! Haha.. I'm 20 man! But he was real nice to stop people from passing thru while we were taking pictures.. Haha..

Back to hostel.. Damn cold as it was raining.. We practically ran home and shut the door.. Haha..

Saturday- 19th July 2008

My computer died on me today.. Sianz.. So I got bored.. Forgot what I did.. Went to the city after lunch for shopping with Aisyah, Paulina and Celine.. So many things to buy! Adelaide has a sale on now so it's the best time for shopping.. The weather's cool too.. Bought some kind of boot thing from Cotton On Body for about A$25.. Ingrid calls them "A-poot".. Haha.. I dunno what to call it though.. And went to The Reject Shop to get some daily neccessities.. Followed by more shopping.. Went Woolworths to get can soup and chocs and got a shirt from Jay Jays!

Look at the amount of stuff we got! Taking a rest while Aisyah's developing some photos..

Decided to walk to a nearby park that was real beautiful.. It's called Adelaide Park Lands I think..

Beautiful eh?! Haha.. But it got kinda cold while we were leaving..

And made a short detour to the Adelaide Convention Centre and Adelaide Festival Centre..

Took the bus back and met Jia & Ingrid on the bus.. So qiao!

It started pouring the moment we alighted and we practically walked back in the rain.. The bus stop isn't exactly near either.. About 10min walk without shelter..

Had dinner which was really good and it was time to settle in for the night.. Watched PS I Love You on Yohana's laptop with her, Ingrid and Jia in the living room.. Haha.. I love my housemates! It was so fun! No pics though cos we were in our pyjamas.. Like a pyjamas slumber party.. Haha..
Sunday- 20th July 2008

Didn't wake up in time for breakfast.. Weather too good.. Haha.. Ate lunch and prepared to go to the Gorge Wildlife Park with Aisyah and Paulina.. RIH planned a short trip for a small group of 20 students.. Had all the gear- Windbreakers, snacks, shoes, backpack.. Then reception announced, "Trip cancelled!" Gosh! Sianz! Becos it was raining heavily up at the park.. Posponed to next week..

Oh well.. They followed me back to my room.. I think they wanted to take some stuff.. Instead, Yohana played another movie, 27 Dresses and we all sat down to watch it including Jia & Ingrid.. Haha.. Later on, we were talking about nails and Aisyah and Paulina went back to their rooms to get the nail polishes and we had a nail afternoon! Haha.. I love hostel life..

Watched another movie after dinner.. Gameplan!

Monday- 21 July 2008

School started today.. Had a talk by the Principal and CEO during breakfast.. Chiong to class as we were late.. Had my first elective, Applied Event Management.. It was a lecture but heard from the lecturer only have 11 students in the whole class.. Haha.. Guess nobody likes events? But it was either this or Entrepreneurship and Innovation.. Haha.. No way am I taking that..

Class ended early so went to Arndale Shopping Mall with Aisyah to check if her money had came into the bank.. Cabbed there as it was raining.. Guess how much the cab ride cost? A$7 for a 5 mins drive.. Oh gosh.. But at least she had her money.. It took damn long to be deposited.. Ate lunch and rushed off for our next lesson, Management in Sustainable Tourism.. Fell asleep cos it was so cold and a tad boring.. Haha.. Lucky Aisyah woke me up..

Back to RIH for an info session followed by dinner.. Aisyah and Paulina came up to my house where we were talking with Yohana, Ingrid and Jia what to wear for Course Commencement Ceremony.. Haha.. So cool.. You're gonna see me in a dress! Haha..

Ok.. Time to end here.. Long day of class tml..

I wanna speak Chinese! And I realised my accent has changed a little bit too.. Oh no..

My big day's coming soon!

Missing you guys as always!

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