Thursday, July 17, 2008

Day 1!

Hello all!

How's everything back home? My butt's freezing right now by the way.. Haha..

Lemme update you guys on what's going on around here.. Let's start with the departure first..

Said a final goodbye to my brother, fourth sister, grandma and maid as they were not going to the airport.. Reached around 9pm and started to check in.. Realised that my luggage was horrendously overweight.. I was given 40kg allowance but all my luggage weighed 57kg! Had to pay about $500 extra.. So we went to the side and started repacking again..

Juliana, Cecilia, Zhi Jun, Beilin & Cherie arrived too and saw the pathetic me taking everything out from my luggage.. Haha.. Managed to take out somemore stuff and the luggage now became 45kg.. The lady at the counter still wouldn't accept it and told me to reduce it by 3kg more.. Sandy & Jolyn arrived and saw me packing also.. Haha..

Finally managed to check in.. Paiseh for making you all wait so long.. Headed up to Earles Swensens for a late supper.. Sarah came off from her flight and came to find us there.. Thank You for the card, 306 and the chocolates and cards, Orangs! Here are the photos guys!

Cecilia, Sin Hwee, Juliana!

Jolyn, Sandy, Beilin, Cherie, Sarah!

My family missing some.. Haha..

The TP gang!

The HSC gang!

The plane ride was ok.. Just eat and eat.. Supper was served the moment the plane stabalised.. The angmoh lady beside me asked if she could have my chocolate seeing that I didn't eat it.. Haha.. And I was served by an airstewardess by the name of "Adelaide".. Haha.. Had to gobble up the Orang's chocolates on the plane cos I dun wanna declare anything at Aussie side..

Touched down at Adelaide time 750am or Singapore time 620am.. Terrible jam at the immigration cos only 1 counter was opened.. The guy didn't even check my Visa lah.. Collected all my luggage and jam again at Customs side.. Probably cos people were declaring a lot of stuff.. Went out to the Arrival Hall and met with ICHM's representative, Rosemary.. Waited for 2 more students, Aisyah from Singapore and Paulina from Indonesia before heading for Rosemary's car.. And it couldn't fit all our luggage so we had to take a cab instead to the hostel- Regency International House..

Signed all the documents, paid the deposit and got a tour of the hostel grounds before dragging my luggage up to my room number 64 which is on Level 2.. The handle broke lah.. Sianz.. Anyway, met 2 housemates of mine- Jia from China and Yuhana from Indonesia.. Actually there was another one, Ingrid from Hong Kong but she hasn't arrived yet.. They have been in ICHM for the past 3 years liao.. So I'm like the newbie and the youngest.. Haha..

Unpacked my luggage and went lunch with Jia.. Met 2 more of Jia's friends, Jolene from Indonesia and Shinga from Africa.. Lunch was ok lah.. At least got rice.. Haha.. Went back to the house and changed cos Jia wanted to bring me to the city.. She brought me to buy my textbooks first.. Damn expensive lah.. $800 for 7 books.. Lug them back the room before heading out to catch the bus there.. Even public transport is expensive..

A lot of things to buy here..

At Rundle Mall.. A lot of people think it's a mall but actually it's not.. It's just a street with lots of shopping centres and shops.. Haha..

Heavenly chocolates.. Got free samples.. Haha..

Jia met one of her friends, Fang from China and followed them to some hotels including Holiday Inn, Hyatt and The Sebel Playford.. They wanted to hand in their resumes for jobs after graduation..

Outside Hyatt..

Adelaide Railway Station..

Forgot where this was le.. Haha.. Some street bahz.. My road idiot-ness starting again.. Haha..

Took a tram to Victoria Square.. In Adelaide, some stops within the city if you take the tram is free.. Hilton Square was just opposite our stop.. They brought me to Central Market and Chinatown to get my local number.. And to eat desserts in the market..

Shared this with Jia.. Banana Crepe.. Quite exp though.. A$6.00..

Came back to RIH and bought the bus ticket at the Vietnamese Supermarket.. $13.80 for 10 rides.. Very exp but definitely much cheaper than paying by the coins..

Used Skype yesterday and saw my family members thru the webcam.. And the computer input for the mic spoil so no sound.. =( Have to wait until they get my laptop set up for the internet then can use.. I got like super homesick yesterday becos it's cold, the food's strange, the environment's new etc..

And the internet only made it worse.. The room's internet proxy didn't allow me to sign in to MSN Live Messenger.. So I felt super alone.. Was so greatful when I managed to sign into Web Messenger and got a fellow ICHM student, Sylvester to help me.. Thanks man! Now I can talk to you guys.. =)

That's it for Day 1..

Set my handphone at 7am today but my Singapore SIM Card failed so the whole phone went offline.. Lucky it wasn't a school day.. Got awoken by a call from Paulina (one of the girls that came tgt from the airport) asking if I wanna go to the city with her and Aisyah today.. She told me to call to her room phone when I was ready but the moment I plopped down the phone I forgot it immediately.. Shit.. Look at the time: 840am.. Double shit.. No more breakfast..

Lucky yesterday got buy some 3-in-1 cereals and biscuits.. Turned on the heater in the living room and went back to sleep there.. Haha.. Jia and Yuhana came out for breakfast and asked why I wasn't sleeping in my room.. I replied cos got no heater in my room.. Then they got so shocked that they went to check.. Chey.. Actually got heater one but I thought it was those purple light thing used to ward away the flies.. Haha.. Ahhh.. So warm now.. And I found that I can close my window too.. Haha.. Even warmer..

Anyway, this is my room..

Finally got a call from Paulina again.. Was so scared they forgot about me.. Haha.. So changed and went to the reception to meet her and Aisyah.. Then I rmb, I didn't eat lunch.. Triple shit.. Haha..

Brought them to buy the bus tickets.. They haven't been to the city before so I was kinda the tour leader.. Haha..

Paulina.. On the long long bus ride into the City..

Went around looking for a CommonWealth bank to start my account.. Then shopped around for shoes too.. Quite tempted to get the woolen shoes from Cotton On.. Very comfy sia.. Maybe tml.. And I just realised I didn't bring enuff business suits here.. Jialat.. Haha..

Aisyah and I.. On the way to Victoria Square..

The Adelaide City Tram..

The Hilton Adelaide..

At the Central Market..

Stopped for tea break at The Yogurt Shop.. Very fresh yogurt.. A$4.00..

Walked along Chinatown and went to find Paulina's church.. Then waited very long for our bus back to RIH..

Anyway, here are my contact details..

Address: Room 64 Regency International House 163 Days Road Regency Park SA 5010

Residential Number: Dial +61 (country code) followed by 8 (area code) then 83483960

Mobile Number: Same as above.. Firstly, dial +618 then 0431311935

Ok.. Going to do a little packing le.. Tml start school liaoz.. Scared sia!

Bye peeps! Missing you guys!

Edit: The last housemate, Ingrid has arrived! And she's real friendly.. Haha.. Speak to her in Cantonese just now.. Cool..

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