Monday, June 30, 2008

Off to Bintan!

Hello all!

I'm off to Bintan for holiday! Be back on 2 July..

Bye Bye!

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Last Day

Hello all! I've had a fun filled week this week therefore there'll be lots of pictures in this post.. Hehe..

Ok.. Firstly, it is this farewell dinner we had for Yixia before she left for HK.. We went to Chinatown's Long Wall Porridge for supper..

Then on Friday, met 306 for dinner to celebrate Beilin's birthday.. The Orangs celebrated Sandy's birthday on that day too.. Kinda sad that I didn't manage to join them.. Anyway, details about this day will be postponed till I receive the photos from 2 very busy ladies.. Haha..

Saturday- Decided to go watch 10 Promises To My Dog with my Grandma and 2 sisters.. The free VISA Platinum tickets were sold out so we used the OCBC discount instead.. Anyway, I bought the "Wanted" combo that costs $9 and it was just a regular popcorn, large drink and a toy which I didn't get.. Boo..

The movie was just gorgeously good.. It flowed really well and there wasn't a boring moment although you kinda guess the dog will die in the end.. And I cried when it died after it's 10 year life.. But there was a girl in front of me that cried so bitterly sad as if her own dog just died yesterday..

Speaking of other patrons, there was a bunch of nuisance primary school boys that kept talking so loudly, playing with each other and running all over the place during the movie.. I got mad and called in an usher to talk to them but they started running again and dunno what happen, they ran out of the cinema and never returned.. I thank the heavens for their generosity.. Amen..

Oh by the way, this new Japanese Movie trailer was airing before the movie.. It's called Cyborg She.. And I think I'll definitely catch this movie provided it's showen in Australia.. Haha.. It opens here in Singapore on 14 August..

My mum picked us up and we headed to the Singapore Flyer for our ride.. Maritez & Joseph gave me a damn big surprise and I sincerely thank them for their help..

Bought some stuff at the souvenir shop then had dinner at Jalapeno's Peppers.. Headed to Downtown East for Edwin's chalet after that.. Saw quite a number of familiar faces like Nicholas, Winston, Willy, Xinyi and Roystance.. Couldn't stay for the cake cutting as I had work the next day..

Sunday- Last day at work at Singapore Flyer.. Sadded.. =( I'm gonna miss this place.. Took lots of pictures along the week.. So here they are..

Joseph! The nicest supervisor ever.. Haha..

Alicia! Our ticketing little sister.. Haha.. She gave me a handmade flower before I left..

Yen Ling!

Ina! My weekend working buddy! She feeds me cookies for breakfast.. =D


Peach! My ticketing manager!

Evelyn & Kimberly! My bestest buddies! I know you guys miss me.. Haha.. Thanks for the scarf!

Evelyn & Qulzar!

Vanny! My bestest guy buddy.. Haha.. I call him Lao Tik Ko or Dirty Old Man! Forgot why le.. And I missed taking a picture with the Tik Ko God.. Cos he's down with Chicken Pox.. Haha..

And speaking of Lao Tik Ko, I saw a car decal once that read, "I'm not a dirty old man. I'm just a sexy senior citizen." Eeeeww..


Christine! I called her Karen on her first day for dunno what reason.. Haha..


Aidah! She's funny..

Ah.. And how can I forget to mention my Shi Fu, Mr. Vincent Tan! I call him Lao Tik Ko No. 2.. Haha..

Angela! My weekday gossip buddy! She rocks my world.. Haha.. And she gave me the beanie.. Aww..

Ok.. Fine.. I know I look weird.. Haha..

Maritez! Our kan cheong spider cum Mummy Tezz! Haha..

Jacelyn.. My first buddy on my first official day at work.. Haha.. She was a nervous wreck then but now she's a ASP.. Haha..

Eunice! My go home buddy..

Siti! She's leaving too..



Angela & Aisyah!


Wei Sung!

And guest starring, the tortoise that escaped from the rainforest lake.. Haha..

Friday, June 27, 2008


Hello all!

Sorry nothing from the real world to post these few days.. Haha.. But I got a beanie from my dearest SF colleague, Angela! Thank You Thank You!

Anyway, something from the drama world.. Haha.. Been chasing Forensic Heroes II for days.. The last episode is on Monday.. ARGH! There's a weekend to get thru.. =(

Was surfing thru those FH II forums and found some goofs from the show.. Haha.. Had a good time laughing..

This is super gooofy! Notice the Green Circle? The "Hong Kong Police" is all flipped over mirror style.. Haha.. Notice the Red Circle? "For Use As Props Only".. Haha..

And this prop.. Haha.. Look at the circled part.. It's the TVB Logo.. Haha.. TVB Money!

And here comes my most favourite couple of the entire series.. Haha..

He's proposing to her! The things he must be saying must be so touching to make the always tough her cry!

They meet with an accident. He saves her. Tells her to leave. The car explosdes. He falls into a coma. She cries. He wakes up. Happily Ever After. =)

Seeing these screencaps definitely make my day after facing a whole day of !#$%^& customers.. Haha.. And I accidentally brought home a feedback form that a guest filled up.. Haha.. It was positive feedback ok? Not trying to hide anything.. Haha..

Oh yeah! Before I end this post, wanna say Happy Birthday to 3 friends of mine.. Haha.. Yup, you didn't see wrongly.. 3 of them have the same birthday today.. Haha..

1) Sandy Li!

2) Beilin!

3) Edwin!


Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Forensic Heroes II Ending Trailer

This is a special post dedicated to the ending episode of Forensic Heroes II.. Oh No! So exciting!

Edit: I've just watched Episode 15 of Fated to Love You and I'm starting to really dislike Dylan.. I mean he's really good in sweet talking Xinyi but the way he acts when he sees her starting to get worried about Cun Xi's return irks me a little..

Example 1: Xinyi receives a pot of flowers from the mysterious guy who bought her artwork and the moment she walk away, Dylan takes the flower card and read it, and giving that jealous guy look.

Example 2: He sees Cunxi & Xinyi discussing about a business partnership and purposely walks over to show how close he is already to Xinyi.

Omg.. Jealous guy alert! Total eew.. The number 1 type of guy I really loathe are guys who get jealous easily.. Maybe that's why I'm quite turned off by Dylan..

Oh well.. Work in the morning tml.. Good Night!

Bye Bye Yixia!

Today's my last meeting with Yixia before she leaves for HK.. =( I'll see you after only 1 year when I return.. I'll miss you much much! Must take care over there ok? Good Luck!

Anyway, a new TVB series! Love Exchange.. Looks creepy and sad.. But I'll be catching it.. =)

Ok.. Working tml.. Dunno why they planned me to work at the souvenir shop.. Gotta learn a new system again and I'm leaving this week.. Haha.. Really double job sia..

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Always Be My Baby

Hello all!

Work yesterday was bad bad bad.. The road to work was closed due to NDP rehearsal.. Bad start of the day.. Got assigned to Info Counter meaning I had to learn how to do the membership card.. Felt like a newbie all over again.. Haha.. Then becos it was quite a good deal, so many people came to sign up for it.. But suddenly among the chaos, a loud boom was heard.. They were firing the cannons at the river side right beside my counter.. Haha.. My first time being up close to the cannons.. Then closer to 8pm it was the fireworks! Even though it lasted for like 30 secs?

Due to the crazy crowd, I couldn't close my counter.. Plan was to meet Winnie after work to head to Jolyn's house tgt at 1015.. But it got delayed to 1030 and I finally reached at 1045.. Oops! Sorry sorry.. Took at wrong turn and couldn't find the bus stop.. Got on the bus after a long wait..

Reached Jolyn's house.. Showered, talked, played mahjong, lost money, win money, neutral ending.. Haha.. Called Mcdonald's for breakfast.. Napped for about 1 hr, played computer, watched Youtube, check mail.. Haha.. Left tgt with Winnie.. Dropped her off at the MRT and cabbed home.. Ate lunch, sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep!

Anyway, I love David Cook's Always Be My Baby.. Haha..

The Cousin, Averlyn & The Cousin!

Hello all!

It was back to work on Thursday.. Was with Vanny at the Sky Deck counter.. Haha.. But work will never be boring with him around.. Not much customers.. I accidentally squeezed chilli sauce on my shirt yesterday during lunch.. Haha.. And one mother pointed it to her daughter, "Aiyo! What happened to Auntie's shirt?" There we go with the Auntie again..

Heard that there will be no more transport to work liaoz.. Nvm.. Next week last day liaoz.. Haha.. And Su Da Lu booked a private capsule that day at work.. Shame I wasn't around to see them.. Haha..


Anyway, here are the pictures from the outing with Averlyn..

The Cousin, Averlyn & The Cousin.. =)

Rolly Polly is smiling! Haha..

I think this was inside the Sentosa Express.. Haha.. Dunno why she always like to lean on the side of the pram..

The Merlion! And some bird paradise.. Haha..

The cousins and the baby again.. Haha.. Averlyn like telling cousin, "Yongxing Kor Kor! I want hug hug!" Haha..

The view from the Tiger Sky Tower.. The uncompleted Universal Studios & Resorts World..

The Ah Ma & her Baby.. Haha.. And I just realised the baby was wearing Winnie the Pooh.. Haha..

The Ah Ma, the baby and the Sister-in-law and a tatoo lady at Underwater World.. Haha..

The Number 1 Pram Pusher of the Day! Certified Professional! Haha.. Anybody wanna hire?

Some jellyfish picture I took that Ah Ma said looked nice.. Haha..

Haha.. Okie.. Time to sleep! Got work tml and going for stayover after that.. Haha..