Saturday, June 21, 2008

Always Be My Baby

Hello all!

Work yesterday was bad bad bad.. The road to work was closed due to NDP rehearsal.. Bad start of the day.. Got assigned to Info Counter meaning I had to learn how to do the membership card.. Felt like a newbie all over again.. Haha.. Then becos it was quite a good deal, so many people came to sign up for it.. But suddenly among the chaos, a loud boom was heard.. They were firing the cannons at the river side right beside my counter.. Haha.. My first time being up close to the cannons.. Then closer to 8pm it was the fireworks! Even though it lasted for like 30 secs?

Due to the crazy crowd, I couldn't close my counter.. Plan was to meet Winnie after work to head to Jolyn's house tgt at 1015.. But it got delayed to 1030 and I finally reached at 1045.. Oops! Sorry sorry.. Took at wrong turn and couldn't find the bus stop.. Got on the bus after a long wait..

Reached Jolyn's house.. Showered, talked, played mahjong, lost money, win money, neutral ending.. Haha.. Called Mcdonald's for breakfast.. Napped for about 1 hr, played computer, watched Youtube, check mail.. Haha.. Left tgt with Winnie.. Dropped her off at the MRT and cabbed home.. Ate lunch, sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep!

Anyway, I love David Cook's Always Be My Baby.. Haha..

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