Friday, June 27, 2008


Hello all!

Sorry nothing from the real world to post these few days.. Haha.. But I got a beanie from my dearest SF colleague, Angela! Thank You Thank You!

Anyway, something from the drama world.. Haha.. Been chasing Forensic Heroes II for days.. The last episode is on Monday.. ARGH! There's a weekend to get thru.. =(

Was surfing thru those FH II forums and found some goofs from the show.. Haha.. Had a good time laughing..

This is super gooofy! Notice the Green Circle? The "Hong Kong Police" is all flipped over mirror style.. Haha.. Notice the Red Circle? "For Use As Props Only".. Haha..

And this prop.. Haha.. Look at the circled part.. It's the TVB Logo.. Haha.. TVB Money!

And here comes my most favourite couple of the entire series.. Haha..

He's proposing to her! The things he must be saying must be so touching to make the always tough her cry!

They meet with an accident. He saves her. Tells her to leave. The car explosdes. He falls into a coma. She cries. He wakes up. Happily Ever After. =)

Seeing these screencaps definitely make my day after facing a whole day of !#$%^& customers.. Haha.. And I accidentally brought home a feedback form that a guest filled up.. Haha.. It was positive feedback ok? Not trying to hide anything.. Haha..

Oh yeah! Before I end this post, wanna say Happy Birthday to 3 friends of mine.. Haha.. Yup, you didn't see wrongly.. 3 of them have the same birthday today.. Haha..

1) Sandy Li!

2) Beilin!

3) Edwin!


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