Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Forensic Heroes II Ending Trailer

This is a special post dedicated to the ending episode of Forensic Heroes II.. Oh No! So exciting!


Edit: I've just watched Episode 15 of Fated to Love You and I'm starting to really dislike Dylan.. I mean he's really good in sweet talking Xinyi but the way he acts when he sees her starting to get worried about Cun Xi's return irks me a little..

Example 1: Xinyi receives a pot of flowers from the mysterious guy who bought her artwork and the moment she walk away, Dylan takes the flower card and read it, and giving that jealous guy look.

Example 2: He sees Cunxi & Xinyi discussing about a business partnership and purposely walks over to show how close he is already to Xinyi.

Omg.. Jealous guy alert! Total eew.. The number 1 type of guy I really loathe are guys who get jealous easily.. Maybe that's why I'm quite turned off by Dylan..

Oh well.. Work in the morning tml.. Good Night!

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