Monday, June 16, 2008

Happy Birthday Averlyn!

Hello all! Back from Taiwan!

Happy Birthday Averlyn! You're 6 months old! Hehe..

Anyway, went Vivo today with the Ah Ma, the Sister In-Law, the Baby and the Cousin.. Drove there as I was carrying lots of stuff from the DFS.. Ate lunch at Kim Gary.. The baby drank its milk and fell asleep.. Very guai baby wor.. Cousin found out that Lynn was working at Giordano so while Ah Ma was in the toilet, we pushed the baby over to find her.. Haha.. Haven't seen her in a very long time le.. First reaction, "Who's baby is that?!"

Walked around to look for bottoms for the SIL.. The baby woke up so Cousin and I played with her.. Super active after her nap.. Haha.. Brought the baby to GV to find Colleen and some ex-colleagues.. I didn't know Europa was closed during weekdays.. Haha..

Made an "on the spot" decision to head into Sentosa after that because there was nothing to do in Vivo.. Took the Sentosa Express to the Imbiah Station and took pictures with The Merlion.. Took the escalator up to Imbiah Lookout.. Weather very very hot.. Haha..

Saw Silin at Luge and wanted to ride the skyride up and down but realised that the child must be 2 years and above.. Too bad.. So we took the Tiger Sky Tower instead.. They changed beer sponsor le.. Haha.. No TAS discount.. Drats.. $12 per pax.. Expensive sia.. Took a picture before boarding.. Ah Ma, scan and send us can? =)

Decided to go Underwater World after that.. Ate Ben & Jerry's before going in.. The water costs $2 each.. Oh well.. Bought tickets at the ticketing counter.. Got some discounts because we're Singaporeans and I'm a TAS student.. But the ticketing staff so unfriendly sia..

Wanted to look for toilet outside urgently to pee and change the baby's diapers but it was quite dirty.. So we went in to use the Underwater World one instead.. A lot of "Yishun" people sia.. Haha.. Went to see the Ray Pool first.. It was feeding time so the stingrays went into a frenzy.. Then it was the Underwater Tunnel.. Lots of fishes and sharks.. But so fast ended le.. Hmm.. Not very worth it but its good to go back once in a while..

The baby was tired and fell asleep so we went back to Vivo.. The Ah Ma, SIL and baby went home so Cousin & I decided to go see what movies were available.. Decided to watch The Incredible Hulk.. Not a bad movie though.. Very noisy though.. The ending so obviously depcits that there will be a sequel to it.. Cousin went out halfway to pass Bernice her beer..

Ate dinner at Banquet cos I miss the chicken rice.. Haha.. Home after that as parking was expensive..

Pictures will be up as soon as I've got them.. =)

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